Welcome to the world of Regal® Pool Care Products. This page will guide you on the usage of products, care, and testing of your water in order to keep your pool clear and sparkling. Please take a few minutes to review this information and call your professional Regal® Pool Care Products dealer if you have any questions or problems.
Enjoy your swimming season and thank you for choosing Regal® Pool Care Products.
Caring for your pool is more than just adding maintenance products. You must know some basic information about the circulation and filtration system and their roles in pool care before sanitation can be discussed.
The heart of the circulation system is the pump. It moves water from the pool and sends it through the filter for removal of any dust, dirt, and debris prior to sending it back to the pool.
The primary question that most pool owners have is:
“How long should I run my pump?”
There are too many variables for one “covers all” answer. Piping size, pool size, swimmer load and the actual pump size all play a role in determining how long you should run your pump. For the proper “run time” consult your Regal® Pool Care Products dealer. They can determine, based upon all the variables, the proper amount of time required to keep your pool clear and clean.
NOTE: If your pump is not running, the water from your pool is not being properly circulated or filtered. Running the pump and circulating the water is the best way to help prevent problems.
The job of the filtration system is to remove any undissolved dirt and debris from the pool water. While the skimmer basket and the hair and lint basket in the pump all play a role in the filtering of the pool water, the primary element of the system we will discuss here is the filter itself.
Consult your Regal® Pool Care Products dealer for assistance in understanding the role that the skimmer and pump basket play in keeping your pool clean. Always consult your owner's manual for specifics related to the type of filter you have.
There are three types of filters that are used in swimming pools to remove dirt and debris that enter the water through swimmers and the environment.
If you don't know your filter type, your Regal® Pool Care Products dealer or pool builder can assist you in determining which filter you have. The following pages describe these three different types of filters.
Dirt is removed from a sand filter by “backwashing” or reversing the water flow. The filter should be backwashed when the pressure gauge indicates a 7-10 lbs. increase over normal operating pressure (this is the pressure indicated on the pressure gauge when the filter is completely clean).
Sand filters are more efficient when they are slightly dirty; consequently they should only be backwashed when required by the increase in pressure.
Sand filters should be cleaned at least every season with Regal® Filter Cleaner. Consult your Regal® Pool Care Products dealer for the frequency requirements for changing the sand.
Dirt needs to be removed from a cartridge filter when the pressure gauge indicates an increase of 7-10 lbs. over normal operation pressure. Remove the cartridge(s) from the filter and hose off all loose dirt and debris. Then soak the elements(s) in Regal® Filter Cleaner for at least 12 hours. This will remove all oils and greases imbedded in the filter element. After soaking, remove the cartridge(s) and rinse thoroughly with fresh water.
Peak filter efficiency is achieved if you allow the filter element(s) to dry prior to reinstalling in the filter. To avoid any “down time” for the circulation or filtration systems, it is advisable to purchase a second set of cartridge elements so they may be interchanged on a regular basis with the first set.
Like sand, the DE filter is cleaned by backwashing the filter when pressure increases 7-10 lbs. However, once the filter has been backwashed, new DE must be added to coat the grids in the filter. This is accomplished by pouring DE through the skimmer. Your Regal® Pool Care Products dealer can tell you how much DE is required to “recharge” your filter.
To cut oils and other natural oil build-up, DE filter grids should be cleaned at least once every season using Regal® Filter Cleaner.
Also, at least once a year, the entire DE filter should be disassembled and cleaned thoroughly as well as being inspected for tears or rips in the grids.
REMEMBER: If you don't know your filter type, your Regal® Pool Care Products dealer or pool builder can assist you in determining which filter you have.
Testing your pool 2-3 times a week is important to maintain adequate water balance and sanitizer levels plus to insure swimmer comfort. Test strips are a quick (30 seconds) means to test the pool for adequate sanitizer levels as well as pH and total alkalinity.
Proper testing also ensures that calcium levels are maintained and that there are no metals present in the pool water.
In order to prevent scaling or corrosive action and to achieve maximum swimmer comfort, the pool water should be balanced to the following levels.
Test | Range |
pH | 7.2 - 7.6 |
Total Alkalinity | 80-125 ppm (plaster finishes) 125 - 150 ppm (vinyl, fiberglass, and other non-masonry finishes) |
Calcium Hardness | 175 - 275 ppm (Pool Finish & Water Temperature Dependent) Consult with your Regal® dealer for more information based on your area. |
Free Chlorine | 1 - 3 ppm |
Free Bromine | 3 -5 ppm |
Metals: Copper | 0 ppm |
Metals: Iron | 0 ppm |
pH is the measure of acid and base in the pool water. The pH of the pool should be tested and adjusted, if necessary, on a weekly basis.
If the pH of the pool water drifts to the acid side of the scale, corrosion of pool surfaces and equipment can occur. If the pH of the pool water drifts to the base side - scaling, deposits, and cloudy water can occur.
Use Regal® pH Plus to increase the pH of the pool. To lower the pH of the pool, use Regal® pH Minus. Follow the label directions for the proper amount of the products to add based upon test results and pool size.
Take a sample of water to your Regal® Pool Care Products professional dealer every 2-3 weeks for complete test and analysis.
NOTE: Always follow label directions when adding any pool maintenance products to the pool. Never mix products together. If unsure how products are to be used, contact your Regal® Pool Care Products dealer.
Calcium Hardness is the amount of dissolved calcium in the pool water. Low calcium hardness levels can cause plaster finish etching and shorten the life of vinyl liners. High calcium levels can result in calcium deposits on the pool surfaces as well as equipment.
The proper range for calcium hardness in pool water is 200-300 ppm (parts per million). Your Regal® Pool Care Products dealer can test for calcium hardness on a regular basis when you take a sample of your pool water in for analysis.
To increase calcium hardness, use Regal® Calcium Plus. Follow the label directions for dosage rates based upon pool volume and test results.
If calcium hardness levels are high, Regal® Stain Protect should be used to prevent any deposits or scaling on the pool surface or equipment along with preventing metal stains.
If the calcium levels are exceedingly high, (in excess of 450 ppm) partial drainage of the pool may be required. Your Regal® Pool Care Products dealer can advise you of the best method for treating your pool if you encounter high calcium hardness.
If tests indicate that you have extremely high calcium levels in your pool, take a sample of your fill water (water used to fill the pool) to your Regal® Pool Care Products dealer for analysis as well.
To prevent the pH from “drifting” or “bouncing” up and down, the proper amount of acid buffers, or total alkalinity, must be maintained in the pool. The pool should be tested weekly with a total alkalinity of 80-120 ppm (parts per million) maintained.
Low total alkalinity can not only result in pH bounce and fluctuations, but corrosiveness and the possibility of staining increase. High total alkalinity also can cause the pH to fluctuate as well as cause cloudy pools along with possible scaling.
To lower total alkalinity, follow the directions from your Regal® Pool Care Products dealer. To raise total alkalinity, follow the label directions on Regal® Alka Plus.
There should not be any metals present in the pool water. Metals can cause staining in the pool and cause the pool to turn colours. The most common types of metals that appear in pool water are copper, iron, and manganese. Your Regal® Pool Care Products dealer can test your pool water for the presence of any type of metals.
If tests indicate that metals are present in the pool, Regal® Stain Protect should be used on a regular basis to prevent staining. You should determine the source of the metals and remove if possible.
Regal® stabilized chlorine products sanitize your pool water and kill bacteria. Stabilized chlorine products are protected from sunlight degradation and are an ideal means to keep your pool clear and clean.
Regal® stabilized chlorine products are available in a variety of forms:
Your Regal® Pool Care Products dealer can determine the best form and type of sanitization program for your particular needs. A free chlorine level of 1-3 ppm should be maintained in the pool at all times.
You may want to use bromine instead of chlorine to sanitize your pool. Regal® Mini Brom Tabs provide a reliable method for killing bacteria and keeping your pool clear and clean.
To utilize bromine effectively, an automatic brominator should be installed in your pool. Check with your Regal® Pool Care Products dealer for the complete bromine story to see if it fits your needs.
Shocking the pool on a regular basis is an important element in keeping the pool clear and clean. Swimmers and the environment add waste to the pool that must be eliminated on a regular basis in order to prevent problems such as algae and cloudy water.
Regal® offers a variety of products to shock your pool. Your Regal® Pool Care Products dealer can recommend the Regal® Pool Care Products best suited for your shocking needs.
Preventing algae is the key to fun in your pool. Algaecides act as a backup to your normal sanitization program and prevent algae from starting and growing in the pool.
Algaecides should be added after every shock treatment. Regal® has an algaecide for every need and budget. Your Regal® Pool Care Products dealer can recommend an algaecide for your needs.